
I did a thing.

If you're reading this... it's too late. 

You've seen my website and you're reading my blog. So first of all - thank you! I've been trying to have the guts to start a website and create a public blog for a while now and I am scared/excited knowing it is finally happening! So seriously, thank you for taking the time to look around the site, read a blog post or just view some pictures. It means the world to me. 

As you can probably see, I moved a couple private blogs over from a previous website, so those are available for your viewing pleasure, as well. You can find my last blog post about THE greatest brunch I have ever had here. My goal for my website is really just to be a creative outlet where I can post pictures and create blog posts about what is currently occurring in my life. I really would like to use it to challenge me to think more creatively in my day-to-day life by keeping up with a blog and while also taking fun pictures of what I'm doing when I'm out and about. In addition, this is a great way to showcase my resume and past work in the mass communication industry, but I also dream for this to be a space that is fun to view for just about anyone and everyone. 

To quickly catch you up on my current happenings - 

  • Post-grad from GCSU
  • Currently working at Sugarboo & Co
  • My sister just got engaged! (see pic below)
  • Living at home at the moment

I hope you follow and enjoy! 

Madie Thomas