
Milly visits, sunrise and banana bread.

The weather is cooling down and it finally is starting to feel so awesome outside! Yay! I seriously have been so excited for fall this year. For some reason, I have always dreaded the cooler weather (probably because I HATE wearing jackets and layering) BUT, for the first time ever, I am actually ready for this upcoming fall season, so bring it on!

This past Wednesday, I was able to travel down to my favorite little college town Milledgeville, Georgia. It was around my third time going back but it just never gets old. The sorority was having their Big/Little Reveal and all my "old" Delta Zeta alum friends and I went and it was so fun to see all my girlies! I miss Milledgeville so much and all the people there so it is always such a blast to go and visit. I basically lived and breathed the sorority while I was in school as the president of DZ so going back for big/little just made my heart so happy.

Check out some of my cutie DZ fam! We used to be HUGE but half our family transferred :( We still love them though! At GCSU, DZ has the bigs and littles dress up in coordinating outfits and it's always so funny to see the things girls come up with! 

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With my girls before dinner (blurry and red-eye but still good)

With my girls before dinner (blurry and red-eye but still good)

After the reveal, my friends and I ate at our favorite restaurant, The Velvet Elvis, also known as Velvet. Seriously, this is our favorite place. My friends had t-shirts made that are identical to the ones that the waitresses wear so that we can have a little piece of Velvet with us anywhere. It's past an obsession when probably 80% of our time and money in college went to this place alone. It is a given that every time we eat there I get queso added to my fries. So naturally while we were there I was just enjoying my meal when disaster struck. I was cutting my grilled chicken finger with my fork and using a little to much force when my entire basket of food - queso fries and all - gets flown into my face and leaves me with queso ALL in my hair. It was hysterical and a disaster but honestly the queso is so good that I didn't even mind. 

So, I spent Wednesday and Thursday night in good ole Milly but I had to work at 10 in the morning on Friday so naturally... I woke up at 5:30 and left Milly to head back home and it was THE worst. Just kidding, it really wasn't too bad. I was really excited the entire time because I wanted to see the sunrise but while I was driving the sun came up behind me. So, I got to see the sunrise through my rearview mirror. (which ultimately seems like it would make a good song lyric) There's something about driving alone on road trips that makes for some good reflection and thinking time and I just love that. I made it home with just the right amount of time to get ready for work where I had an awesome day, so I'd say it was a great Friday!

I kicked off Saturday and the first day of October by making some homemade banana bread! Randomly, I saw that we had one really ripe banana so I googled recipes for banana bread and happened to have all the ingredients and went for it. I got the recipe from Serenity Now and you can find it here. Trust me, you'll want it because it was so so good. I don't know what was better - the smell of the bread baking or the bread itself? It was a tasty way to start fall. I have really been in a baking frenzy lately and I think bread is going to be my next obsession. Next, I really want to bake some zucchini bread! Anyone have any good recipes or experiences with it? I've heard it's yummy but it does sound like kind of a strange combo. 

I've got a fun trip coming up next weekend and I can't wait to blog about it so stay tuned! 
