
Engagement season at the Thomas house.

Hello November!

Where to start? Well to begin, I'm trying to find a consistent day to post. I think I am digging Friday but this Friday was a little busy so I may start going for Saturday or Sunday so I can really cover the weekends! 

Catching up - I "celebrated" Halloween with a couple of my friends. It was a last minute decision to even do anything for Halloween so we dressed up in all black and went with the easiest costumes we could think of. Paige and I were vampires and Courtney and Katie went as cats. Let me just tell you that Paige and I had to hold down our fangs for 5 minutes EACH to get the glue to dry. It was a process. When the night was over, it felt pretty good to take them off but also I kind of miss them now. I had a great lisp with them on and they actually appeared very real. A guy seriously got out his phone flashlight and put it in Paige's mouth trying to examine hers... RIP FANGS. 

This week I got to hang out with my high school small group leader Kelly. Kelly is a new mom and is practically one of the coolest role models I have in my life. It's nice to talk to someone who has so much wisdom and can provide wholesome advice no matter what the topic is. We went out to lunch and talked so much we lost track of time! Her son, Cash, also provided us with some laughs as he just happily played and babbled to us while walking around the house. He's seriously the cutest tiny human around. 

BIG NEWS for the Thomas family this weekend, Ali and Wes got engaged! Wes had been texting Delaney and I all week and coming up with a plan of how he was going to propose. We got the whole family involved and out of the house so when they came to visit, we all weren't there. They got to go hang out in the backyard and that's when he popped the question. While we were out of the house waiting for the text to come back and celebrate Mom, Dad, Riley and I were all having a beer at a restaurant just up the road. 

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Ali had no idea it was happening and Wes even had his family come into town to join in the celebration. We all went out to dinner at Hugo's Oyster Bar and it was a great time. My poor father probably never realized that when he had three daughters, two would be engaged at the same time!! Exciting things happening around our house! 

I decided to unleash my inner "Cake Boss" because not only was the engagement happening but Delaney and Ali both have birthdays next week! I made a classic white cake with homemade buttercream frosting and decorated it "semi-naked" style by barely putting frosting on the outside. It was three tiers and finished off with flowers on top. YUM. 

Madie Thomas