
End of October bliss.

I woke up this morning in a cloud of dry shampoo. Does this ever happen to anyone else? The second I sprung out of bed, I grabbed the bottle and just went to town.

ANYWAYS... October has come and gone. I seriously cannot believe that Monday is HALLOWEEN. As a kid, my mom just didn't like Halloween so none of my siblings and I were able to celebrate the holiday. We would pass out candy and we always set out pumpkins but that meant no trick-or-treating for the Thomas kiddos, which has always bred some awkward scenarios and conversations. But nonetheless, we still love you mom. Because of this, I am always so pumped for Halloween! I think I am going to be that mom that sets up her house to look so gaudy and filled to the nines with Halloween stuff that you'll question my sanity and I can't wait for that. 

Now that the leaves have been changing and the weather is cooling down, I have had all the Halloween movies on repeat. By the way, has anyone noticed that in Practical Magic, Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman's style is almost identical to what is trendy right now? I mean #goals. Just goes to show that style repeats itself. 

If you're looking for some indie/folk/random stuff to listen to this fall I made a playlist on Spotify with some of my favorites so go check it out here.

Last week was so busy and crazy! My family got to do one of the coolest things by hosting some of the Daraja Choir at our house. The Daraja Children's Choir of Africa was created to bridge the cultures of East Africa and America by igniting hearts to worship, connecting lives to serve and discipling young leaders. You can find out more about the choir by visiting their website here. My family was familiar with the Daraja Choir due to our affiliation with 410 Bridge, having gone on several mission trips with the organization. Basically the choir travels all across America and the kids sing, worship and perform and it's one of the coolest things. While the kids travel, people open up their homes to host them and their caregiver, so that's what we did! 

We had three boys come stay with us plus their caregiver. Daniel, Solomon and Sam were all from different parts of Uganda and they were filled with so much joy. The second they arrived at our house, they instantly hugged us and were just so smiley and happy. We showed them where they were staying and then we took them out back to our yard for them to check out the pool and to play some soccer. Of course, Dad noticed some leaves in the pool so he got out a net to clean it out and the boys were in awe. Before we knew it, they were all begging my dad to let them do it and started taking turns using the net to get the leaves out of the bottom. We thought it was so funny! We had bought all of these toys and games and somehow the idea of cleaning out the pool was fun to them! It's the little things. They LOVED Snapchat and they were constantly wanting to see themselves with all the filters. They had picture books of their homes in Uganda and they took turns showing us page by page where they lived and what their homes looked like. Although they only stayed with us for just Friday night, we had so much fun playing with them. They were just a joy to be around. Their caregiver, Bright, kept asking my parents what lessons they could share with the boys and the boys would listen intently to their answers. Before they left my mom asked them what she could pray for them. Daniel said to pray for his studies, so that he will be smart. Sam said to pray that he would be a good listener. Solomon said to pray for his parents. We were so blessed to have them in our lives. I did have a video of the boys singing but it is taking forever to download so I may have to link it to next week's blog! It's of them singing while they are outside so it's dark but their little voices singing Good, Good Father are just so sweet.

So that was Friday. On Saturday I headed to Milledgeville, Georgia for the good ole Deep Roots Festival. Deep Roots is one of the best things Milledgeville has to offer. Seriously, everyone comes to Milledgeville for Deep Roots because there is food, music and it's open container so the whole downtown area gets closed off and vendors and people fill up the streets for one heck of a good time. It was even better this year because I was able to see old friends and people that I haven't seen since graduation or longer. One thing that I definitely miss about college is just the fact that when you are there, you are constantly around people. From class friends, to best friends to just some acquaintances - I seriously love that. 

And speaking of loving people, y'all I got so many compliments on the blog or just people saying that they look at it and I just want to say THANK YOU. It means the world to me that this little thing gets looked at and that it's something you are interested in. So, if you're reading this now just know that I am so thankful for you and I love you lots. 

I know a lot of people loved the Bean Boozled Challenge video from last week and I have to say I don't know if I can put Riley through that kind of humiliation again lol but if y'all want more videos or you have anything like that you'd like to see in the blog then let me know! I'd love to hear your thoughts!