
It's been a while.

Hey friends, so it's been a while. Now it's time for us to play a little game of catch up through pictures :) 

It's red cup season!!! I have recently discovered that I LOVE winter and the holidays and lots and lots of coffee. Consider yourself warned. My holiday cheer is overflowing!

Nov. 20 // SUNDAY: I made another one of my cakes last Sunday for our Sugarboo holiday party! I am so used to doing the Semi-Naked style White Cake and I wanted to do something a little different so I challenged myself to make a Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Icing and well - there it is. It was not my favorite to eat and not my favorite to make AT ALL. But, I heard it was good from all who ate it so maybe I should go into business (probably best I don't.) I am no baker by nature, all of my recipes are learned from others on Pinterest but I do enjoy making these pretty cakes and using them as a creative outlet. I did get a little help because I worked all day Saturday and Sunday so Delaney made the frosting for me and then I sugared the cranberries and iced the cake Sunday morning to top off the cake before the party! 

Nov. 22 // TUESDAY: Soooo, on Tuesday I had plans to go to dinner with my girlfriends for a "Friendsgiving" of sorts. When we were all at GCSU we would each make a dish and put two coffee tables together and all sit on pillows and have an official Friendsgiving. We really took it very seriously. There would always be a huge turkey - cooked by either Walt or LT and we had a table runner where each year, we would get out sharpies and write what we were thankful for, that way we could look back through the years and see what each of us wrote and see how we've changed. Anyways, blah blah blah, you get the point. Since we are all spread out over GA now, we decided to go get dinner at Avalon to have a replacement Friendsgiving. Pictured below is me and Steioff at dinner loving life together, enjoy. 

As you can see, dinner was a great time. Unfortunately I am leaving out a very large part of last Tuesday in which I had a tragedy happen to me. It was a couple hours before my dinner and I had partially dry hair but I thought I would blow dry it a bit more before I started officially getting ready for my night out. I grabbed one of my mom's roller brushes because I wanted to add some volume to the top of my head like all the Youtubers do and then DISASTER struck. The brush rolled up my hair but then it refused to let go. As soon as that hair was in there, it was not letting go. To summarize, my angel of a mother and I worked together trying to release the brush from my hair for AN HOUR. I documented the entire thing on my Snapchat, mainly because I was hoping someone would provide me with some advice but instead received messages of people laughing at me. I'm here for your entertainment ya jerks. I ended up not having a bald spot though, which let's be real, there are way worse things in this world and I learned a great lesson from all of this. I need a haircut. Anyways, this is why you should really follow me on Snapchat because you never know when something like this could happen to me again - don't miss out.

Nov. 23 // WEDNESDAY: Riley came to visit me and we went to the mall to go get in the holiday spirit and shop around some. I felt the need to include this because I just have to say that  I had forgotten what a disgusting but rare, delicious delicacy mall food court food actually is! We got way too much but hey, when in Rome! 

Wednesday night we tried out a new restaurant in Alpharetta called Flatlands Bourbon and Bayou. I had read that it had pretty good reviews on Yelp and I was hoping we would go and find a new spot. Happy to say, it was very good and my father, who is never pleased with hardly any meal or restaurant, liked it. So take that as you may and go and try it out for yourself! We actually went because we were celebrating the fact that I have a new job! Yay! I am now doing some part-time social media work and I am very very excited and so far, have enjoyed it very much.

Nov. 24 // THURSDAY: Thanksgiving was really different for the Thomas family this year. All of the engagements have made for a lot of scheduling and rearranging so this was the first "test-run" holiday for us. I know that splitting time between families will eventually become more natural but this year, we struggled. We waited until around 7 or 8 to eat Thanksgiving dinner which is rare for my family but at the end of the day we couldn't even complain. Everyone got to be together under one roof and it was good. There is so much to be thankful for and I am always so thankful for my crazy family, no matter how late we have to eat our turkey and dressing. Below is a pic of me and my baby brother, Sam, and then a pic of the family as we rode the struggle bus waiting to eat dinner! We normally take our Christmas card picture on Thanksgiving so this was our makeshift photoshoot with just the four of us minus the other two Thomas sisters!

Nov. 26 // SATURDAY: This was a very special day because we went wedding dress shopping for Delaney!! It was quite the experience and we had no idea what to expect but wow, she got one! It's a beaut and we loved the little place where she got it - The White Magnolia Bridal Collection. It made it even more real that she's getting married - ah! Ali will start looking for dresses in a couple of weeks and we're all excited for what is to come!

Later that night, I headed back into Atlanta to have dinner with Riley's family for his mom's birthday. I had not seen them or spent time with them since June because Riley has been away at school so it was so nice to be able to see them and reconnect. Anyways, I think that is about it for now. Thanks to all who made it through this long post and for waiting so long for it to come out hehe :) 

Madie Thomas