
Steps backwards.


So I kind of had my last post sitting there waiting to be published since MAY. Oh my goodness, who knows why it took me so long to just publish it?! So let's take a couple steps backwards on what's been going on this summer for me. (lengthy post ahead, you've been warned)

So, after I got that cap and gown put away, I moved on back home to Cumming and I moved back into my childhood room. You know the drill, typical college graduate living at home to save money... ya da ya da. I actually have an internship right now with a landscaping consulting company as their Marketing and Social Media intern. The internship actually will fully satisfy the rest of my credits I need to officially receive my diploma come August. So that is very exciting and it is kind of like my first real "job" but not really because I get to work from home and I'm not making serious dough ($$$). The job is great though because it's the perfect transition for me and I am really confident that I am exactly where I need to be right now.

In addition to working as an intern, I also am selling Rodan and Fields which has been a complete blessing for my skin! Seriously, I wish I had tried their Unblemish regimen sooner because I'm not kidding, my skin has never looked better!! So if you want to try these insanely good products - hit me up. I was seriously so skeptical about these products and the business altogether but now that I've seen my own results, I really want others to try it for themselves. I mean seriously y'all - the BEST skin of my life. I used to get the worst cystic acne on my chin and I have not had any issue with it since starting my Unblemish regimen! So that has been awesome and it also adds in a little extra spending money (or saving money, depending on my mood)! So that is kind of the majority of what I am currently doing "work-wise" right now. I'm definitely saving money when I can and I am job searching for those big jobs that everyone wants right out of college but I also am enjoying my time relaxing a bit since I did just spend the last 16/17 years of my life in school! 

Another thing that I was talking to my parents about the other night, that really resonated with me is that I find I'm really enjoying this time because I was SO SO involved in college. I wanted to put my hand in almost anything that I could find the time for and it was ridiculous! Looking back, I am so glad I did all the things I did and was so involved on my college campus but WOW I really never had much time to relax. I definitely did not have a typical stereotypical college career and that's okay with me. I think because of all of my involvement, it is making the time that I am not officially "working" so much sweeter. I feel as though I have earned some time away to enjoy this calm before the storm before I enter the complete and intimidating world of full-time employment. I'm lucky I have parents who can understand that and are allowing me to do that!

As far as the fam, we just got back from an AWESOME vacation at North Captiva Island. It was all 6 members of the Thomas fam + all the girls got to bring their boyfriends (Sam got to bring a friend, no worries.) We had a blast! It was the perfect getaway and everyone got along, so you really can't ask for anything better. We flew from Atlanta to Ft. Meyers and then you have to take a ferry to actually get to the island. The island has zero cars and only golf-carts so it makes the environment so much fun, just riding around the little island. We had an awesome deck at the top of our beach house so every night after dinner we had a ritual of going up there and looking at the incredible sunsets. The island is the perfect place to spot some dolphins and we rented a boat and drove it around on some days where we eventually saw manatees, starfish, sand dollars and even a baby octopus when we pulled up to a sandbar one day! I shared some pictures from our trip below. 

So that was a big vacation that took place in June and just a tons of fun! It made me want to travel a bunch now! Before the vacation, I was really trying to get in a routine at home. I've been fixing up my room some and making it more "live-able" and I have been drinking lots and lots of smoothies! I don't know why but I have been on such a smoothie kick lately. I also have been working on making my Instagram feed a little better so if you want to check that out - @madisonicole3 - feel free to do so. 

I think that'll be it for now :) 



Madie Thomas