
2017 Resolution

Happy New Year! It's 2017 and the start of a new year means it is time to make resolutions. Now disclaimer, I am not the best at sticking to my resolutions and most of the time I don't even bother making them but this year, I may just try and challenge myself. (Other disclaimer, I am currently sitting next to two half eaten bags of chips.)

I jokingly told someone that my new year's resolution was to 'start wearing less and going out more.' Which most people will recognize as a Drake lyric... BUT let me tell you why I started thinking I may stick to this resolution.

If I start wearing less... I don't mean like wearing less and looking like I can't afford clothes. I mean I want to get healthy (not fit, because I'm setting realistic goals here lol) and if I get to the point where I feel a little bit better about myself, maybe then I will be comfortable in less clothing. Sorry, Dad. I promise, nothing too extreme. I really just mean being confident in a bathing suit when summer rolls around or rockin' a bridesmaid dress at all the weddings coming up this year. 

Also along those lines of getting healthy, I want to drink more water! Seriously, I never ever drink water. I am the first person that would rather grab anything other than water to drink. Whether it's sparkling or just plain old tap, this girl has got to make use of her new Corkcicle cups! 

And lastly, going out more.. and by this, I don't mean hitting up the club all the time. I mean just going out and enjoying experiences that don't include work and watching Netflix in my bed. I am always so stingy with my money and right now as I am saving to move out, I have to be. But that doesn't mean I can't go and have dinner with my girlies every now and then or go do things that don't involve money but DO involve getting outside.

In conclusion, my new year's resolution for 2017 is totally millennial of me and absurd and doesn't quite make all that sense but hey, I am (kind of) sticking with it. I'm going to get healthy and body confident and then I am going to go out and create a life where I am doing more and being my best self... all while laughing at this and never taking life too seriously.

Thanks for the inspo, Drake.

Madie Thomas